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    August 2023

    New, Simple EASY BOOKING Form Available for Rush Projects

    Or... just people who want to value their time and are ready to hit the ground running!

    I'm so excited to launch my new service option of "EASY BOOKING" We get it, people are busy and don't want to waste a week going back and forth to figure out a quote and get audio samples.

    This form will cut that time to LESS than 24 hours! Once you're ready to launch your next product or marketing tool, this new feature is ready to make it happen.

    What you'll get within the first 24 hours:

    Quote in your price range

    A list of services available you might want for your upcoming project

    A contract ready for you to review and sign

    Sample audio of your provided script

  • Sept2023

    September 2023

    Demo Release
    E-Learning Demo Now Available

    I've been sitting on this secret for a while. Now available here, and also on Vimeo, Youtube, and my website if you need to save for later. (wink, wink)
    And of course if you have an upcoming project and need e-learning narration, you can perform any of the following:
    email, call, even text me
    OR go over to my easy booking page on my website and send my quick and easy form letting me know all your deets! 
    Looking forward to helping take your video to the next level!

    Loving these Headshots

    Recently got to Collab with local design star and photographer of Grova Creative, Chris Crouch! 
    We met up at Tallahassee's beautiful Cascades Park earlier this month to capture some updated headshots and as always, he's an amazing human to work with. Check out his crafty handiwork.
    If you are in search of a skilled female professional to cast in your upcoming project, I would be delighted to collaborate with your company!

  • October 2023

    We reached our goal!

    4 months ago I committed to an opportunity with many of my fitness friends to “compete” in a bodybuilding showcase. While this isn’t directly related to acting, it was however an opportunity to get a photoshoot with local photographer, Adam Doyle in an action type fitness photoshoot that turned out super fun and got some really cool shots to use for my acting/modeling portfolio. Plus I learned so much about nutrition and managing energy levels while on a strict caloric deficit. While some days and weeks were better than others, it was a great learning experience and an opportunity to push myself in a way I hadn’t before.

    Another “life” update, it’s actually kinda funny how your personal life can really impact your business life. We think we have all these compartments really locked up tight and unable to spill over into each other, but in reality they are quite intertwined when you are a business owner/entrepreneur. So I got married this month, it was great it was beautiful and boy was it stressful. I took a couple days just to arrange the house after the ceremony of celebrating with our friends and family. Obviously take a few days for my new husband and I to breathe, and just enjoy spending some time together. I didn’t actually plan to take down time before the wedding from acting/business, but sometimes you get hints telling you this isn’t working the way we planned. While I love to plan for how things should go, and I’d like them to go, reality often has different ideas.

    So I stopped pushing against myself, and did what I had to in order to have things done for the task at hand. Also learned party planning is not my strong suit, but I also don’t do it very often. Maybe one day. But when I allowed myself to focus on one priority, my stress and frustration was MUCH easier to handle. I still attempted to do auditions as much as possible, but I didn’t require so much of myself to make it happen. If it didn’t, I told myself “it’s okay, we’re pushing forward regardless.” Now that all the excitement is calming down back to normal, I can push back to a routine and regular “business hours”. I’ll admit it feels a little strange but I’m glad to establish some sense of normalcy again.

    Vegas was amazing, my twitch fitness streamers and I rented an airbnb together for the weekend of TwitchCon. I had never met any of them, and yet as soon as I walked in the door I couldn’t stop smiling to be among so many of my favorite people. It was a great opportunity to meet new people and network with peers and other streamers/content creators. Yes, I have taken a backseat to streaming for now, but I have been working on creating consistent content now that things will be slowing down a bit. Many people were also inspired by each other to do more content and to work together to grow our audiences.

    I wanted to attempt a social experiment at the beginning of October, I tried to push my first online ad, but honestly I didn’t give it enough time and attention nor enough of a test group to even use the data for future promotions. But putting yourself out there is always a great exercise regardless of the outcome. I will however, continue to brainstorm new ideas for the future in creating new promotions and content.

    I’m so excited to see what November holds, and how I will grow, and even more importantly what I’ll learn along the way…

  • November 2023

    It’s gonna be great!